"Snippet" -- a small piece or brief extract
Another day, another contest. . . It seems like contests abound this time of year! Valentiny -- check KidChoice -- check PBParty -- check 50 Precious Words -- coming at you down below. This is a superfun contest because you only have 50 (Yes, I said 50. . .) words to craft something precious. The topic is up to you, but it should be a complete story and be appropriate for kids 12 and under. Furthermore, it happens AGAIN in May -- only this time for KIDS! If you have children who are interested in writing, check out www.viviankirkfield.com for more details on this contest and her 50 Precious Words for Kids. My 50 Precious Words were inspired by this precious artwork by Felipe Lancha, a kidlit illustrator I discovered on Twitter. His image of these very different little birds, with an audience of other birds on a wire inspired this little piece. Having grown up in a church that sang acapella, and being part of an acapella chorus in college, I have a great affinity for acapella music, including barbershop quartets. When I saw this picture, that's where my head went, so I hope you enjoy this mini-story about a treetop quartet. You can find his original illustration here: twitter.com/fe_lancha/status/1495940370483531777/photo/1 I can just hear them belting harmonies and singing for this sweet little audience. Love the variety of birds, and the detail -- look at the eyebrows on the little guy far left, and the glasses and beanie next, and that little short bird with glasses is near and dear to my heart :-). That far right bird is so full of personality. I took a little liberty, since a titmouse is not technically in Felipe's illustration, but I love this picture! Thanks, @fe_lancha for the inspiration, and these cute little birds! I hope you enjoy Felipe's illustration and my short little story about finding your voice and your place to shine with perfect harmony. Four dapper songbirds formed the Treetop Quartet.
But with a wonky sound, The harmonies were disharmonious, and Their melody fell flat, Until. . . Big-hearted Benny swung down to bass. Timmy Titmouse tumbled up to tenor Acapella Ozzie sang lead Brave Brad belted baritone. Now. . . Perfect harmony, As the quartet sings.
AuthorI've been a teacher of K-3 students for over 20 years; I'm also a writer of poems, short stories, devotionals and picture books. I'm wife to an amazing husband and mom to Sparkles, Mocha, and Rusty -- our feline fur babies . I love reading, writing, singing and listening to music. I enjoy nature, Bible study and spending time with friends and family! Sign up above for a periodic newsletter (monthly or less) and updates to Snippets and PBJamz.
February 2024
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