"Snippet" -- a small piece or brief extract
There was lightning in her eyes on the crisp fall day when oranges and purples lowered the curtain behind Hayley. In her frilly, fall finery, she was ready to gather tricks and treats. One blue eye shining, one brown eye hidden, a testament of Her divergent natures. Dare she give in to her scarecrow side, which drew her to the fields of dirt and roots and mud? Mischief lurked in her smile, hidden behind an autumn leaf, but the leaf she held and the blue of her eye, and the ribbons she wore in her golden hair couldn’t disguise the daughter of earth with dirt under her nails.
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This is another possible entry for the fall writing frenzy on Twitter. Feel free to comment on your favorites or let me know which ones you like. Our goal is to write children's stories based on these images. They have to be 200 words or less. :-)
Her first pumpkin pie! Tieren could remember pumpkin pie at every Thanksgiving her whole life. Grandmama had made them, then Mama. This was her first year making it solo. It hadn’t been without its hiccups. The first pie crust she rolled out was beyond repair. She tried 3 times re-doing it and putting it back together before she gave up and started from scratch. Then she got eggshells in the pumpkin mixture. When all was well and the pie was properly put together and in the oven, she forgot to set the timer. If it hadn’t been for Bella, their family dog, barking like crazy, she probably would have burnt it, too. That would have been horrible, since they had never, once eaten store-bought pumpkin pie. The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg wafted through the house as it cooled. It was tempting to taste-test, but she didn’t want to mar it before the feast. When the first piece was cut and she heard the first, “Mmm, that’s good.” her heart swelled and she was thankful for family and family recipes. And for extra supplies and grace and barking dogs. “Happy Thanksgiving!” she said as she cut the remaining pieces. Jake, well-known for pranks, thought it would be funny. His class had studied "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." He planned a re-creation of the character for Halloween. Zack provided something that would create cool purple smoke. Jake cut a hole in the bottom of the pumpkin, carved the face, and pulled his all-black outfit together. Unfortunately, the hole was a bit tight for his head. Once he got it on, he couldn't get it off. . . .the purple smoke burned his eyes, nose and throat. Added to the smell of the pumpkin, he thought he might throw up -- disgusting. He knew he had to get out of this pumpkin head. He could dash his head against a wall -- if he could see how to get to it -- it was impossible to see anything except purple haze. Luckily, Katy came up -- also dressed in black -- a ninja? She pulled a knife and cut, freeing Jake from the pumpkin prison. Just in time, as he tossed up the contents of lunch, along with purple smoke and a bit of pumpkin. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, added a black hood, some toy nunchucks and left Sleepy Hollow behind, Katy's hand in his.
Princesses, ninjas, and spooky brides, Scary costumes make you want to hide Witches, ghosts, and scary ghouls, Soldiers, superheroes, and jesting fools, Go a-traipsing on Halloween night, Setting off to give a fright, Pumpkin heads carried in hands, To carry the treats they playfully demand, Dreaming of candy, rich and sweet, Hoping for no nasty tricks, only treats As the night darkens, The children hearken To every scary story heard Hanging fear on every word. Fear, fed by darkness of night, All the fear and the fun of Halloween fright! Alexis sniffled and snuffled, tissue box close by, along with cold medicine. She was still in her pajamas. Even though she was home sick from school, she was tired of being inside -- cooped up! She was tired of her bed and the couch! She missed her friends. She even missed her teachers. It was fall! Her favorite season! She wanted to bask in the briskness of the breeze, twirl with the leaves, enjoy the firepit with her crew -- but the cold she had wasn't letting her enjoy much of anything. She took the cup of hot orange spice tea Mom had made her, the book she was reading for her English assignment -- Pride and Prejudice -- and her favorite blanket out to the porch to at least feel the cool temps and the swirling falling leaves -- a change of scenery. Her favorite comfy socks warmed her feet, the book warmed her heart and the blanket warded off the chill. If being with her friends wasn't an option, she was grateful to have the autumn feelings to keep her company. It wasn't quite S'Mores and a fire, but it was close.
AuthorI've been a teacher of K-3 students for over 20 years; I'm also a writer of poems, short stories, devotionals and picture books. I'm wife to an amazing husband and mom to Sparkles, Mocha, and Rusty -- our feline fur babies . I love reading, writing, singing and listening to music. I enjoy nature, Bible study and spending time with friends and family! Sign up above for a periodic newsletter (monthly or less) and updates to Snippets and PBJamz.
February 2024
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