"Snippet" -- a small piece or brief extract
Susanna Leonard Hill graces us with so many fun writing contests, and it's time for the holiday one! This year, she challenged us to focus on the villains, which was a fun holiday twist! I wondered what would happen if Rudolph let the fame and glory go to his head and turn him into a villain (temporarily, at least). I hope you enjoy my imaginings. . . Rudolph has always been one of my favorite Christmas characters, since I often feel a bit like I belong on the island of misfit toys . . . but we all must be careful not to let our gifts go to our head! Our stories had to carry the load of a beginning, middle, and end, have a villain, a holiday focus and slide in under the 250-word limit. You can check out all the entries at her website here: https://susannahill.com/2022/12/09/ho-ho-ho-the-12th-annual-holiday-writing-contest-is-here/ Rudy, the Rude Nosy Reindeer
You know Dasher, Dancer . . . and Rudolph? After he made history with his glowing nose, Rudy let the fame go to his head. He forgot how it felt to be left out, laughed at. Now, he was being rude! He also got ALL up in Santa’s business. Nosey, nosey, nosey! His glowing reputation had gone dim. He’d crossed the line from hero – to . . . VILLAIN! Santa had more problems than a foggy Christmas Eve – when Rudolph walked in, the reindeer walked out. When Rudy began to talk about THAT Christmas, they rolled their eyes. When he shared stories of his greatness, Comet coughed, and the reindeer rallied. “We’ve gotta turn Rudolph around!” said Vixen. “Yes! We need to put the T back in teamwork!” Agreed Donder. “But how?” asked Prancer. “I have an idea . . .” whispered Cupid. When it came time for the practice run, all of the reindeer hid. “Rudy, I guess it’s just you and me,” “No problem, Santa, I’ve got this!” Rudolph boasted. Tug . . . Heave. . . Ho. . . Ho ho ho . . . No, no, no . . . The sleigh wouldn’t budge. The reindeer snickered from behind trees. Hearing them, Rudy said, “I’m sorry if I acted like I could do it all on my own. It takes ALL of us. We all have something special to contribute. My nose is my special gift, but it’s not the only one that counts. When we work together, we can accomplish great things. Alone, not so much . . . please accept my apology! Let’s pull the sleigh. . . together!”
AuthorI've been a teacher of K-3 students for over 20 years; I'm also a writer of poems, short stories, devotionals and picture books. I'm wife to an amazing husband and mom to Sparkles, Mocha, and Rusty -- our feline fur babies . I love reading, writing, singing and listening to music. I enjoy nature, Bible study and spending time with friends and family! Sign up above for a periodic newsletter (monthly or less) and updates to Snippets and PBJamz.
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